Friday, August 8, 2008

Kisses for the Weekend: Winning

"Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more."

- Louis L'Amour

This Friday, the (in)famous 08-08-08, a thousands of people will get married and millions of people will be setting their televisions to watch the opening of the Beijing Olymics.

For the couples who are about to get married, a wedding seems like the day of reaching a finish line and starting a new one. For those who are competing, being a part of the Olympic team is already a victory.

But is it all about the race?

We all like to win. There is an unspoken competition among friends as to who will have the better job, better spouse, better house, better children. The Olympics have been tallying the Golds, the Silvers, the Bronze. People who work harder get the recognition they deserve and they are rewarded.

Maybe life, in general, is not all about that. It's what you do, no matter the ranking. The rewards are in the smaller goals, in being able to live each and every day. The rewards can come big --- a promotion, a bonus, or maybe a stroke of luck. Or they can come small: the last piece of cake, a nice crisp day, a warm smile from a stranger.

This weekend, celebrate love and humanity. This is a great state of victory.

Kiss&Love: Still Searching


"Love is but the discovery of ourselves in others, and the delight in the recognition."
- Alexander Smith

They say when you find that someone, "You'll just know."


You recognize and become the best version of yourself. As how Jack Nicholson's obsessive-compulsive character says in the movie As Good As It Gets, "You make me want to become a better man".


We all have insecurities. The dating world is a jungle. You have rivals, you can't understand the opposite sex. Some past relationships tell you what you don't want instead of inspiring you to focus on what you want. There is also the fear of being too unrealistic.

But like most things, you need to take a step towards a possibility. It's trial and error. In the process, you learn. In the end, we all get the endings we worked hard for. In the meantime, have fun, meet new people, and value those whom you think will become major components of the rest of your life.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Kiss&Live: Acceptance versus Surrender


"Why would I be offended by blonde jokes? I know I'm not dumb, and we all know I'm not blonde." - Dolly Parton
Don't be offended by the things that seem to belittle you, from other people's opinions to the so-called standards you don't seem to live up to. You are the only person who knows yourself, and you're the only one who determines the best version of you.


Let's talk about self-acceptance.

Let's say there are days when you cannot accept certain aspects about yourself. Sometimes it is hard to understand why you do not have the perfect body, the perfect job, and maybe, why you are stuck with family you don't like as much.

Bad days, huh. Unfortunately, for some, it has become a daily fixture in their lives.

When you really think about it, it's how you perceive things that matters most. We have the tendency to compare ourselves to others. Although it can be difficult and inescapable, what usually happens is we start to feel a series of negative feelings not only towards the people who seem to have what we want or the people who seem to keep us from getting what we want, but we also start to feel bad about ourselves. We are not really victims of circumstances. Sometimes, we are victims of our own self-perceptions.

Do something about it. Start looking at things in a new light, especially when it comes to you. Accept yourself, your immediate environment.

Acceptance is not a surrender, it establishes your base point from which you start pointing your compass towards your true North and your direction.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Kiss&Eat: Chocoholics

"There are no guarantees, but remember. Even in the future, the sweet is never as sweet without the sour."
- Edmund, Vanilla Sky (film, 2001)

Avoid a monotonous life. Acknowledge the sour, savor the sweet.


Who doesn't love chocolates? For some people, it's almost an addiction. For some, a daily treat. The taste and the texture, and sometimes the nice surprises. Like life!

Plain chocolates such as the usual milk, dark and white bars can bring a certain amount of fulfillment. Hershey's and Cadburry are classics. Check out the SM Department stores and other supermarkets where they offer imported chocolate bars straight from South America and Europe.

So maybe you hesitate for the calories. Never fear. A number of studies have supported the health benefits of chocolates. This is especially true with dark chocolate as it has the compounds polyphlenols and flavanoid antioxidants. In addition to the advantages of a dose of antioxidants, dark chocolate was found to lower blood pressure and lessen the risk of blood clots which lead to heart attacks.

It also does not hurt to give yourself a treat as chocolates are also known to lift one's moods. Have a bite of chocolate bars with nuts like almonds, macadamia and walnut; or you can opt those with additional fruit like raisins and dates. This combination already brings a certain amount of health benefits. Personal favorites are Hershey's Almonds, Kisses Almonds, Cadbury Fruit and Nut, Van Houten, and even M&M Peanuts!

Of course, who does not want to try other variants? Chocolates with mint --- After Eights come to mind. Chocolate with liqueur, chocolate in different forms --- a drink, a slice of cake, and even that luscious truffle.

Give in to temptation with moderation in mind.

I think I am going to hunt for some luscious chocolate cake treat tomorrow before hitting the gym!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Kiss&Travel: When the Rain Falls

"Don't go to the dark place"
- Jack, Sideways (film, 2004)

We always do this: going to the dark place. When we get upset, when we get angry, when we grieve. We have the right to feel these negative emotions, but don't wallow and go there. It's easier to go to a place than leave it.

When you get upset, take a deep breath, count, and think that it's lonelier as you go deeper into the tunnel.

When it rains, it pours. Stay in the rain instead.


What to do during the rainy season? Stay home or settle for the shopping malls? Or brave the beach and waste your time in your hotel room, sulking at the weather whilst watching cable television?

It is not easy to come up with destinations during the rainy period because of the risks of traveling in such conditions. However, there is something romantic when it comes to finding yourself some place else as the love pours from the heavens.

An idea. Create an atmosphere of a particular destination in your own home.

Have an Italian weekend. Check out Giada de Laurentiis' Everyday Italian: 125 Simple and Delicious Recipes and whip up exotic dishes you don't normally find in Italian restaurants such as pasta e fagioli and manicotti. Pop in a copy of Under the Tuscan Sun starring Diane Lane, and fantasize a romantic getaway. For a more classic touch, hunt for a Federico Fellini film, and after watching it, shout in the middle of a drizzle, la dolce vita!

Or you can go Japanese. Have a sushi party while playing an Akira Kurosawa film in the background. Or classic anime films from the critically-acclaimed creator Hayao Miyazaki such as Princess Mononoke and Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind. A weekend of miso soup, maki and good cartoons. Hmm.

The rainy season therefore gives you an opportunity to get more creative without the hundrums and resorting to sleeping too much. Explore a book, start and continue a hobby, have a fun weekend at home. Like traveling, being in one place also gives you an opportunity to connect uniquely with your family and yourself.